Why Study Biology?

A biology student in a lab

To study biology at university is to study life. From plants and animals to genes and evolution, this is the study of all living organisms and how they live and die. Biology is a natural science which covers how living organisms interact with each other and within that contains many different and unique fields for you to find your specialism. Whether you’re interested in the study of insects, reptiles or fish; or bacteria, parasites and viruses, you’re sure to find the discipline that interests you.

Fields of biology

Some of the main, broad areas of biology are:

  • Biochemistry and biophysics – the study of chemical substances and processes
  • Microbiology – the study of microorganisms
  • Botany – the study of plant life
  • Zoology – the study of animals and how they interact with their ecosystems
  • Ecology – the study of interactions among organisms and their environment
  • Genetics – the study of heredity

Importance of Studying Biology

There are many benefits to studying archaeology at undergraduate level:

Career flexibility

If you cannot decide on what career path you want to follow, biology is one of those subjects that can open up a variety of options. Biology allows you to study the subject as a whole, or specialise in a particular area of interest, whether you want to study genetics, botany or marine life, you will have that choice.

Become an expert in research

Rather than analyse existing knowledge, you will often get the opportunity to conduct your own research, helping to develop a breadth of core skills while looking for an answer to your own biological questions and theories.

Solve global issues

You could help solve many of the challenges that are increasingly being faced in today’s world. As the human population grows, pollution worsens, the strain on sustainable agriculture increases and biology can help find the answers.

Why study biology at Durham University?

You will get to be part of the University’s Department of Biosciences which studies all areas of biology.

Studying biology at Durham University means you will benefit from state-of-the-art tailor-made buildings that feature modern teaching facilities to enhance your learning experience.

You will have access to the latest technology for a variety of aspects of biology including:

  • Transgenic studies
  • DNA analysis and proteomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Remote sensing
  • Ecological field sampling
  • Computer modelling
  • Confocal laser scanning microscopy.

You will also have the advantage of having extensive woodlands and a botanic garden close by, perfect for fieldwork opportunities.

Key skills - from studying biology

Studying biology will give you a number of skills that will help you succeed throughout your degree and your desired career:

  • Research
  • Teamwork
  • Analytics
  • Attention to detail
  • Organisation
  • Problem solving
  • Numeracy
  • Communication

What biology degree can I study at Durham University?

If you are looking to a follow biology path after a foundation year, BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences provides a route to a number of careers. The three-year degree is designed to give you the option to follow a range of specialised routes within biological sciences, or concentrate on specific areas as you progress.

Degree preparation at the International Study Centre

Our International Foundation Year in Science and Engineering prepares international students for their biology degree at Durham.

You will learn key English skills and core academic skills, as well as covering biology focused modules to give you the knowledge needed to succeed.

Study Biological Sciences

Biology degree jobs

There are multiple career options directly related to a biology degree. Whether you want to continue your education with a Masters degree and specialise in a specific branch of biology, or go straight into a research or field role, there are lots of opportunities.

Jobs you can pursue with a biology degree

Some of the jobs you could follow include:

  • Microbiologist
  • Zoologist
  • Research scientist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Environmental management
  • Botanist
  • Marine scientist
  • Oceanographer
  • Science writer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is studying biology hard?

Studying biology can be challenging, but it is also largely rewarding. It all depends on your interest, dedication, and approach to learning.

Is there a future in biology?

Absolutely! Biology offers a vast range of career opportunities, including research, healthcare, biotechnology, environmental conservation, and more.

What careers are available if I study biology?

Studying biology can lead to various careers such as a biologist, medical professional, environmental scientist among many others.